Logo Demande de location

To fill out a rental application online, start by logging in to ProprioLocation.

Click on the “New Rental Application” button located in your dashboard. You can also access it at any time from the menu at the top right of your screen.

Demande de location en ligne

Are you in the presence of your candidate tenant?

You can complete the rental application in the presence of the candidate tenant or by sending the form by email. If you are with the candidate, click on “Yes”; otherwise, click on “No” and your candidate will receive an email allowing him/her to enter the information from his/her computer, tablet, or smart phone. You will then receive the signed online rental application and will be able to use it for your rental screening.

Nouvelle demande de location

Step 1

Indicate the information concerning the dwelling you wish to rent. If you have already created a rental application for this property, click on “Select an address” and choose the concerned address, then click on “Use this address“. The information will be entered automatically.
If this is the first time you are using an online rental application form for that dwelling, enter the information manually and this information will be saved for future use.

étape 1 Demande de location

Step 2

Firstly, your candidate will need to provide his or her personal information. His or her email or cell phone number will be used to electronically sign the rental application, which will speed up the process of the pre-rental screening.

Please note that the Social Insurance Number (SIN) is not mandatory but recommended. It helps to ensure that you have the right credit report and thus avoid the risk of confusion between two individuals with similar personal information. Once entered by the candidate, the SIN will no longer be visible.

Étape 2 demande de location

Step 3

Your candidate will then be asked to provide his or her current address and contact information. The more accurate the information is, the more likely you will get a complete and accurate report. We also recommend that you provide a previous address, even if you do not necessarily wish to obtain a reference for that address.

Étape 3 demande de location

Step 4

The next step concerns the employment of your candidate. It is very important to provide as much information as possible, such as the company address and the hiring date. This will make it easier to contact the human resources department responsible for your candidate’s file and thus speed up the processing of his/her employment confirmations.

Étape 4 demande de location

If your candidate does not have a job, he or she must select “I don’t have a job” at the top of the page. He or she will then be able to specify his or her current activity and indicate his or her monthly income, if applicable.

étape 3 bis demande de location

Step 5

Once this information is provided, your candidate will be asked to sign the online rental application. Several options are available:

By email or SMS: If your candidate has provided any of this information, our system can send him/her a code to electronically sign the application. Since this solution is quick and easy to use, we recommend that you use it.

For more information about the electronic signature, see the page “How to sign a rental application”.

Demande de location en ligne

Please note that your candidate may scan, fax, or take a photo of the signed rental application for the purpose of sending it to you, as long as the information is clearly legible.

Step 6

Check and confirm the information provided one last time to ensure that there are no errors on the application. It is also at this stage that you will need to indicate certain legal information, such as the amount of the deposit to cover the investigation costs and the time allowed to sign the lease if the application is accepted.

Your candidate has 3 options for signing an online rental application

Receive a confirmation code by SMS:

A 6-digit code will be sent to the phone number provided by the candidate. Simply enter the code in Step 7 of the rental application as a signature for the document. The candidate can also access it by clicking on the link at the end of the message.

Signer une demande de location


Receive a confirmation code by email:

The confirmation code will be sent to the email provided by your candidate. It will be composed of the 6 digits required to sign the rental application. The candidate will need to click on the link in the email and enter the code in the appropriate space.

Signature courriel


Print and sign:

If your candidate prefers to sign a handwritten rental application, he or she can print the complete application and sign at the bottom of the last page. To send the document to you, he or she can scan it, take a picture of it, or fax it to you. You will then have to upload it to ProprioEnquête® in order to begin the pre-rental screening.

If your prospective tenant is not present with you, you can send him or her a remote rental application. To do so, click on “No” in the dialog box that appears after selecting “Rental Application“.

Demande de location à distance

Simply fill in the information concerning the dwelling you wish to rent to your candidate, then provide his or her email address so that we can send the necessary information.

Click on “Send the rental application” once you have completed all the fields. Your candidate will receive an email that will redirect him or her to the rental application, which he or she can complete and sign within 24 hours.

Once completed, the rental application will be sent to the email address used during your registration. It will also be available on ProprioLocation and ProprioEnquête® if you have linked your accounts.

You have the signed rental application from your candidate? It is time to use it for your pre-rental screening, whether it’s on ProprioEnquête® or any other service! Go to the home page, where you can have access to all your rental applications.

If you are not a CORPIQ member, nor registered to ProprioEnquête®, click on the eye icon, located in the “Action” column of your rental application. It will allow you to access the document and then print it. You can then use it to conduct a pre-rental screening.

lancer une enquête de prélocation

Be sure to obtain the handwritten signature in the case of a printout.

If you are a CORPIQ member and have linked your account with ProprioEnquête®, the transfer of information will take place automatically. Click on the icon representing a magnifying glass, which will redirect you to the page allowing you to start your pre-rental screening.

You can also access your rental application directly from ProprioEnquête®. Simply click on “Consult your rental applications” located on the home page, then click on “Start” next to the concerned form.

demande de location depuis ProprioEnquête®

In order to provide you with the most pleasant experience possible, we offer the possibility to personalize your ProprioLocation account. Click on “My Profile” located in the drop-down menu at the top right of your screen.

personnaliser ses informations

Last name and first name

This information can be modified at any time. It allows you to update your account if there is a change of owner or manager. This name will appear on the rental application.


We will communicate with you according to the selected language

Modify my password

To choose a new password, simply enter a new one and confirm it. The changes you make will be automatically saved after you click on “Change my password”.


You can enter multiple phone numbers. They will only be used to validate your information in case you need assistance.


Enter your company name, if applicable. It will appear on the rental application.


If you have a logo that you would like to display on your rental applications, simply download it in JPG format. The maximum dimension is 500 pixels in width and height. It will appear in the upper right corner of your forms.

Connect your ProprioEnquête® account

If you are registered to ProprioEnquête®, you can link your accounts by providing the number on the back of your CORPIQ card. Your rental requests will automatically be transmitted to your ProprioEnquête® account. This will save you from having to fill out the application forms in the future!

Default value

This information will be displayed at the end of your rental application, along with the legal notices. By registering these fields, you will avoid having to enter them each time. It is possible to change the information for each request.

Add your logo

From ProprioLocation, go to your Profile :

To link your ProprioEnquête account to ProprioLocation, nothing could be easier. Add the number on the back of your CORPIQ card (enter the 22 characters):


The Kangalou team

This may depend on the service provider from one state to another, some accept and others do not, in which case we recommend using the email signature.

The system allows a validity period of 14 days after which the rental request will be automatically archived. If you wish to change this period, simply go to your ProprioLocation profile to change the duration to 7-14-21 or 28 days.